Wellness Committee


The Wellness Committee of the International Division (WC-ID) strives to foster a workplace culture that supports healthy lifestyle choices by encouraging employee’s personal and professional growth, and physical and mental well-being. The WC-ID seeks to promote holistic wellness resources, ideas, and events focusing on physical, environmental, emotional/spiritual, financial, and social aspects of wellness.

In addition, the WC-ID advocates to decrease the stigma of talking about mental health and strives to increase awareness, while encouraging International Division employees to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Sign up for the Wellness Newsletter

About WC-ID

Responsibilities of the WC-ID shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Advocate for and build a wellness-centered community
  • Seek out and share resources to cultivate a culture of holistic well-being to positively impact the overall health, productivity, satisfaction, and engagement of the International Division.
  • Initiate and support campus efforts promoting holistic wellness.

Expectations of WC-ID members include:

  • Promote holistic wellness throughout the International Division.
  • Communicate to your respective unit and team regarding objectives and upcoming activities of the Wellness Committee.
  • Attend, engage, and bring an open mind to committee meetings and events.
  • Contribute resources to the monthly newsletter.

Additionally, potential roles on the Committee may include the following:

  • Event Lead
  • Newsletter Creator
  • Wellness Subcommittee Lead
  • The committee shall consist of a minimum of five members who shall be employees of the International Division.
  • Any employee of the International Division who wishes to serve may serve on the Committee; Committee will strive to include representation from staff of diverse backgrounds across division units.
  • Employees are welcome to join at any time.

Terms of Service:

  • A term coincides with the fiscal year beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30.
  • There are no term limits for serving on the Committee.

Selection of the Chair:

  • The Committee shall annually select one or two members to serve as Chair or Co-Chairs in the spring semester prior to the July 1 start date of service.
  • Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others. If nominated by someone else, the member must agree to the nomination.
  • There shall be no limits on the number of terms an individual may serve.
  • The Wellness Committee shall meet monthly
  • The Chair(s), in consultation with members, shall schedule meeting times and locations, prepare and distribute agendas in advance, and shall preside over meetings.
  • A quorum is considered to be a simple majority of the voting members; a quorum must be present for a vote to be taken during the course of a meeting.
  • Votes may be taken by email outside of a regular meeting if required; the participation of a simple majority of the Committee members is required for such votes to be valid.
  • The Chair(s) shall designate a recorder at each meeting to take notes on the discussion and actions during the meeting. The person who records notes will send a copy to all committee members within 10 days of the meeting.

Wellness Committee Members:

  • Kylie Holland, co-chair, Language Program Office
  • Kerry Uniyal, co-chair, Language Program Office
  • Nikki Davis, Dean’s Office
  • Camila Hassler, International Faculty and Staff Services
  • Anne Naparstek, Language Program Office
  • Moldir Oskenbay, International Student Services
  • Carmen Pitz, International Academic Programs
  • Bri Raymer, International Academic Programs
WC-ID members on a wellness walk
Employees of the International Division participating in a Wellness Walk on Lakeshore Path