Untitled Document FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: 2/7/2006 CONTACT: Lara Kain, Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia Outreach Coordinator. outreach@creeca.wisc.edu or 608-265-6298 CONFERENCE TO EXAMINE LEGACY OF CHERNOBYL AS NUCLEAR ACCIDENT’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY NEARS …
Month: February 2006
Adam Lichtenheld: World turns blind eye to the horrors in Uganda
Untitled DocWorld Turns Blind Eye To The Horrors In Uganda The Capital Times :: OP-ED :: Saturday, February 4, 2006 Adam Lichtenheld, Guest Columnist. Lichtenheld is a UW-Madison student majoring in political science Lichtenheld received …
UW biz students travel to get world view
By Aaron Nathans The Capital Times How do you stop a herd of rampaging elephants? A group of University of Wisconsin-Madison business students recently learned that the answer lies in learning to think from a …
AIDS course explores ‘perfect ecology’ of a killer
by Brian Mattmiller, UW-Madison Communications Few infectious diseases in human history have posed more public health challenges than HIV/AIDS, a disease that has emerged in the past three decades to infect more than 40 million …
UW-Madison ranks as top-producing Peace Corps institution
by Rachel Alkon Alumni of UW-Madison and the Peace Corps continue to have a strong historical bond. Since the program’s inception in 1961, UW-Madison has produced thousands of volunteers. And today, for the 20th consecutive …