Mission: The International Division Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) shall advise the vice provost and dean and represent the Academic Staff of the division in the development and review of all policies and procedures concerning the division’s academic staff.
Vision: The Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) strives to foster a work environment that enables the Academic Staff of the Division to thrive.
Questions about CASI can be directed to co-chairs Jay Stokes and Irina Punguil Bravo.
Dear Colleagues,
The International Division’s Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) is seeking new members! ID CASI advises the dean and represents the academic staff of the division in the development and review of all policies and procedures concerning the division’s academic staff. ID CASI is currently made up of ~10 members who meet monthly to discuss new and ongoing projects and concerns related to academic staff at UW–Madison. ID CASI:
- Advocates for staff on ID academic staff issues
- Acts as a voice and representative of ID academic staff in campus-level academic staff governance
- Organizes the application and selection process of annual ID staff excellence awards
- Takes on projects (current projects include developing recommendations for improving ID’s PMDP and onboarding processes)
- Keeps ID staff informed of professional development opportunities
- Issues a monthly newsletter
Please reach out to CASI co-chairs Irina Punguil Bravo and Jay Stokes for more information!
Staff Excellence Awards
Learn more about the award categories, eligibility, nominations, and required documents.
Carmen Pitz, Cat. 1
Virginia Martin, Cat. 2
Karen Sage, Cat. 1
Anne Naparstek, Cat. 2
Paige Hendricks, Cat. 1
Mary Jo Wilson, Cat. 2
Bri Raymer, Cat. 1
David Fields, Cat. 1
Felecia Lucht, Cat. 1
Alberto Vargas, Cat. 2
Michelle Kern Hall, Cat. 2
Elise Ahn, Cat. 1
Erin Polnaszek Boyd, Cat. 2
Bola Olaniyan, Cat. 1
Kelly Iacobazzi, Cat. 1
Andy Quackenbush, Cat. 2
Carly Stingl, Cat. 1
Susan Lochner Atkinson, Cat. 2
CASI Bylaws
Responsibilities of the CASI include but are not limited to:
- Representing International Division academic staff in the development and review of all Division policies and procedures concerning academic staff
- Promoting a positive climate and appreciation for diversity among International Division academic staff
- Advising the vice provost and dean on program decisions likely to affect promotional opportunities or lead to nonrenewal or layoff of International Division academic staff
- Recommending opportunities for participation of International Division academic staff in governance
- Recommending opportunities for recognition of International Division academic staff contributions to the excellence of the division and university
- Recommending mentoring and professional development programs for International Division academic staff
- Representing the International Division academic staff in communications to the Academic Staff Assembly (ASA) and its Standing Committees, the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC), the Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO), other campus committees, and the Secretary of the Academic Staff
- Serving as a forum for discussion of the concerns of International Division academic staff
The CASI shall consist of a minimum of five members, who shall be academic staff holding at least a 50 percent appointment within the International Division.
- One representative designated by the vice provost and dean shall serve as an ex officio member
- One university staff representative designated by the vice provost and dean may serve as an ex officio member
- Members shall be selected through a process that is open and fosters representation of academic staff within all units of the International Division. During the spring semester of each year, the Office of Dean shall:
- Send a notice to all members of International Division’s academic staff, encouraging those who have an interest in academic staff governance to self-nominate for a CASI position.
- Actively recruit additional nominees in units/areas that are under-represented among the pool of nominees.
- Issue formal letters of appointment from the vice provost and dean.
- Mid-term appointments of new members are allowable on a case by case basis.
- Requests can be submitted for consideration by CASI and will come to a vote at the next scheduled CASI meeting.
- Requests should include the name of the individual and the reason for requesting membership mid-term.
- Approved new members will receive a formal letter of appointment from the Dean.
- Chairs shall be selected through the following process:
- The CASI shall annually select one member to serve as chair, whose term shall run concurrent with the fiscal year, July 1-June 30.
- The chair shall be a member with at least one year of service on the CASI.
- After the spring election and prior to the start of the new fiscal year, the designee of the vice provost and dean shall invite the CASI members to submit nominations for chair.
- Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others. If nominated by someone else, the member must agree to the nomination in order to become a candidate.
- If more than one candidate is nominated, the representative of the vice provost and dean shall conduct a poll of the members by email to select the chair.
- There shall be no limits on the number of terms an individual may serve.
- Appointments to the CASI shall be for terms of two years.
- Terms are on a fiscal year basis beginning on July 1 and ending on June 30.
- There shall be no limits on the number of terms an individual may serve.
- Terms shall be staggered; half of the first slate of candidates selected under this process shall be appointed to one-year terms.
- The CASI shall meet at least six times during the course of the year, at least twice each semester, and may meet during the summer.
- The chair, in consultation with members, shall schedule meeting times and locations, and prepare and distribute agendas in advance, and shall preside over meetings.
- A quorum is considered to be a simple majority of the voting members; a quorum must be present for a vote to be taken during the course of a meeting.
- Under extraordinary circumstances, votes may be taken by email outside of a regular meeting; the participation of a simple majority of the committee members is required for such votes to be valid.
- In advance of each meeting, the chair shall designate a recorder, who shall take notes on the discussion and actions during the meeting.
- Within a week after the meeting, the recorder shall submit draft notes to the chair.
- Within a week after receiving the notes, the chair shall create a report on the meeting to be shared with all members of the committee and posted online as a record.
- The CASI shall seek to meet with the vice provost and dean at least once per semester.
- The CASI shall seek to meet jointly with the International Division’s Committee on Equity and Diversity Committee at least once per semester to discuss topics of mutual interest.
- The chair shall serve as the CASI’s liaison to the secretary of the Academic Staff and the Academic Staff Executive Committee.
Bylaws adopted February 10, 2015
Bylaw updates
- Amended July 1, 2015: Updated to reflect change of the International Division’s name
- Amended May 10, 2016: to change eligibility for chair.
- Amended April 18, 2017:
- Changed min members from 6 to 5
- Added University Staff ex-officio member
- Removed clause: Present the complete slate of nominees to the academic staff within the International Division for a period of review and feedback
- Amended clause: The CASI shall seek to meet jointly with the International Division’s Committee on Classified Staff Issues and Equity and Diversity Committee at least once per semester to discuss topics of mutual interest.
- Amended February 18, 2021: Update to membership and selection section to address considerations for mid-term appointments.
Professional Development
Distance Teaching & Learning Conference
Leadership and Management Development Conference
Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE)
Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE)
European Association for International Education (EAIE)
International Education Association of Australia (IEAA)
NAFSA Region V Annual Conference
Forum on Education Abroad Conference
CASI Members
Irina Punguil Bravo (co-chair), International Faculty and Staff Services
Jay Stokes (co-chair), International Student Services
Nikki Davis, ex officio
Molly Donnellan, Institute for Regional and International Studies, International Studies Major
Kimberly Harn, International Internship Program
Virginia Martin, International Projects Office
Mary McCoy, Institute for Regional and International Studies
Joel Michor, Office of the Dean
Anne Naparstek, Language Programs Office
Maria Vishnevsky, External Relations