Hiromi Naka recently arrived in Madison on a two-year mission to highlight the existing ties between Wisconsin and Japan, to develop new connections and networks, and to raise awareness about her country. Naka, a K-12 …
Year: 2013
2,600 students explore opportunities at Study Abroad Fair
An estimated 2,600 students came to the 2013 Study Abroad Fair on September 18, at Union South, to explore the multitude of programs and locations offered through the University of Wisconsin–Madison and other providers. Organized …
International students contribute to U.S., Wisconsin economies
Nearly 765,000 international students studied at universities and colleges across the United States in 2011-12, bringing incalculable academic and cultural value to the local institutions and communities where they lived. But the benefits of attracting …
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) offers research grants
University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty and academic staff are invited to apply for grants of up to £15,000 (average £10,000) offered through the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) to launch longer-term research collaborations within the WUN Global …
Luckey’s Peace Corps journey leads back to UW–Madison, into role of recruiter
When telling his personal story, Eric Luckey leaves no doubt about his enthusiasm for the outdoors. Luckey, who grew up in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, often spends his free time hiking in the Driftless Area of …
UW students: Explore international opportunities at 2013 study abroad fair
Coming to the University of Wisconsin–Madison opens new doors to a world of learning possibilities and experiences. For more than 2,000 students each year, that means leaving campus—for a few weeks up to a full …
Boren Graduate Fellowship Application Available
The applications for the 2014-15 David L. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships are now available at www.borenawards.org. Boren Fellowship Awards provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study in Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern …
Fulbright US Student applicants to Egypt
The Egyptian Fulbright Commission has requested that applicants submit the following as part of their applications in Arabic: Applicants must include an abstract of their projects in Arabic (and its English version) as part of …
UK students examine non-profit funding, innovation in Madison area
A trio of students from the University of York in the United Kingdom spent three weeks in Madison this summer, examining how funding for local non-profit agencies supports innovation. Their stay culminated with a presentation …
Advisory Board proposes restructuring of Division of International Studies
The Advisory Board to the Interim Director of the Division of International Studies has issued its report, containing proposals for restructuring the Division to better support the university’s stated commitment to internationalizing research, education and …