Paula Luff
Position title: Director, Sustainability and Impact, Inherent Group, New York, NY, USA

Paula is the Director of ESG Research and Engagement at DSC Meridian Capital where Paula has helped drive full integration of ESG across the firm and our investment process. She advises and coaches the research team as they ESG alongside fundamental analysis. She has been instrumental in helping develop the firm’s Caron Action Fund which seeks to lower the carbon footprint of our holding. Paula leads collaborative engagement with portfolio companies to help them improve ESG performance and disclosure by leveraging her experience and network. Paula is active in the ESG ecosystem, and speaks and writes on ESG matters.
Prior to joining DSC, she served as Director of Sustainability and Impact for Inherent Group. At Inherent, Paula built the firm’s ESG platform and worked across the investment team to integrate ESG into the investment process. She also led portfolio company engagement and investment stewardship.
Prior to joining Inherent Group, Paula was Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility for Hess Corporation where she established and led the global social responsibility function for the company and integrated key ESG issues into operations. She also led engagement efforts on a range of sustainability issues with host governments, NGOs, investors and other external stakeholders.
Prior to joining Hess, Paula was Senior Director of Strategic Health Partnerships for Pfizer Inc where she set global access to medicines strategy and led the design and implementation of global health programs and policies for the company and its foundation. She also represented Pfizer on social impact and global health issues with investors, the media, public officials, bi-lateral and multi-lateral organizations, NGOs, and other external stakeholders.
Paula holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and master’s degrees from New York University and the New School University.
Paula serves on the Board of the Access to Nutrition Foundation. She is also on the University of Wisconsin International Division’s Advisory Board and is an Advisor to the Center for Sustainable Business at NYU’s Stern School of Business. Paula was a member of the Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Leaders Forum and is active in the Long-Term Strategy Group where she served on the Executive Pay Principles Working Group. She also served on the Executive Council for Development and as a Senior Associate with the Project on Prosperity and Development at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).