Thomas M. Sternberg (Chair)

Position title: Principal (retired), Assured Partners, New York City, NY USA

Thomas Sternberg

Thomas M. Sternberg, CIC, began his career as an independent insurance agent after graduation from the University of Wisconsin, where he earned his degree in Chinese Language and Literature. He worked as an account executive and later become CEO of his own agency. His vast experience with systems and automation made him instrumental in the development of a computer system for the independent agent, which is now in use nationwide. He also has created management tools and procedures that have been used as models by other independent agencies. In addition to his position as a Principal (retired) at Assured Partners, he currently serves as a consultant to several agencies and insurance companies on issues concerning the industry. He has taught numerous insurance courses for professional designations around New York State on behalf of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of New York. He currently serves as chair of the International Division Advisory Board at UW Madison.