Education has always been a priority for Joel Baraka. Even facing obstacles, he has forged ahead. Now, he is looking to merge his passion for education and his studies in civil engineering to give back …
wisconsin without borders
2019 Wisconsin Without Borders Ceremony
Join us to celebrate UW-Madison faculty, staff and students bringing their teaching, learning and research to all corners of the globe. Wisconsin Without Borders will present its four annual awards while also recognizing globally-engaged scholarship …
Global Impact: Wisconsin BBA Student Receives Wisconsin Without Borders Award
Business Badger Jennifer Wagman (BBA ’19) is a 2017 recipient of the Wisconsin Without Borders 4W Award at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Nominations being accepted for Wisconsin Without Borders
In alignment with its mission, Wisconsin Without Borders (WWB) is soliciting nominations of outstanding examples of globally engaged scholarship by members of the UW-Madison community. To be considered, applications should describe projects involving collaboration between …