Eight at UW-Madison receive Fulbright awards for doctoral research

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded grants totaling $223,397 to eight doctoral students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, through the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) program.

UW–Madison’s total is the highest among all institutions.

Nationally, the Education Department awarded $3 million to 42 institutions of higher education in 22 states and the District of Columbia for DDRA projects. The 86 individual fellowships will enable doctoral students to conduct research in modern foreign languages and area studies in other countries for periods of six to 12 months.

The goal of these grants is to deepen knowledge of areas of the world not generally included in U.S. educational programs and to build a cadre of students, educators and other professionals with deep global expertise.

“International collaboration helps students develop global competencies necessary to succeed in the 21st century,” says Jamienne Studley, deputy under secretary of education. “These collaborations help strengthen our reform efforts here in the United States, as our students, teachers, and faculty work with and learn from cultures and societies different from their own.”

The UW–Madison recipients (listed here with field, destination country, language, research topic, and grant amount) are:

  • Alexandra Allweiss, educational policy studies and curriculum and instruction, Guatemala, Spanish/Maya-Chuj, “Indigenous Youth-Led Organizations and Re-imaginings of Education and Community,” $23,796
  • Sarah Bouchat, political science, Myanmar, Burmese, “Banking on Transition-Credibility of Formal and Informal Institutions under Autocracy,” $33,110
  • Lauren Glover, archaeology, Japan, Japanese, “Trade Production and Manufacture of Elite Commodities around the Yellow Sea,” $24,005
  • Marguerite Heckscher, art history, Tanzania, Swahili, “Objects as Bodies Bodies as Objects Medicine and Arts among the Shambaa of Tanzania,” $30,091
  • Rachel Jacobs, political science, Cambodia, Khmer,” Reconciliation and the Social Legacies of Mass Violence in Cambodia,” $25,973
  • Teresa Speciale, educational policy studies, Senegal, Wolof/French, “A view from the middle – Language education and the ‘middle class’ in Dakar Senegal,” $46,236
  • Matthew Trew, anthropology, Cambodia, Khmer, “Selling Symbols – Establishing Cultural Heritage Tourism in Battambang Cambodia,” $16,180
  • Bridgette Werner, history, Bolivia, Spanish/Quechua, “Troubled Valleys The Champa Guerra Rural Politics and MNR Institutionalization in Bolivia,” $24,006

The DDRA program is part of the larger Fulbright-Hays Program, which dates to 1961 when the late U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright sponsored legislation for several programs that aim to increase mutual understanding between America and the rest of the world.

For more information and guidance on applying for Fulbright student programs through UW-Madison, go to the International Fellowships Office website, http://fellowships.international.wisc.edu/.

– by Kerry G. Hill