The UW-Madison Filipinx American Student Organization (FASO) is playing a leading role in hosting the first post-pandemic Midwest Filipino American Summit (MFAS), which is being held on campus April 2, with more than 400 Filipinx …
Month: March 2022
For the Love of Vanilla
Think about the products you’ve used since you woke up this morning: the toothpaste on your toothbrush; the yogurt with your breakfast; the fragrance on your dresser; the pills in your medicine cabinet. The taste …
To bolster culturally responsive practices, UW–Madison’s Ashley White focuses on ‘Reaching back to reach forward’
UW–Madison’s Ashley L. White is the author of a paper that proposes a new framework for preparing future teachers to better connect with and educate the nation’s increasingly diverse student population. The article — published …
For undergrad, internship adds international perspective on nuclear innovation
As an intern at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria, UW-Madison nuclear engineering undergraduate Brienna Johnson is relishing the experience of living abroad and working on efforts that could help improve nuclear …
The Southern Graphics Council International printmaking conference in photos
Last week over 500 artists from around the world — including from Canada, Poland, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Italy, and New Zealand — descended on UW–Madison for the Southern Graphics Council International (SGCI) conference, …
Center for DREAMers outreach efforts support DACAmented students in Wisconsin
In October 2021, with a grant through the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment, the University of Wisconsin Law School launched a new center to support Wisconsin’s DREAMers, an all-encompassing term describing individuals who have lived in …
Virtual study abroad course emulates in-person experience in Japan
In a span of 20 minutes, a dozen students from the University of Wisconsin–Madison visited a Japanese pastry shop, a high-tech sushi restaurant, and got ice cream — twice. But they all left a little …
Zooming with the Pope
Emily Burke never expected she would get the chance to speak directly to Pope Francis. But there she was last month, face-to-face with the Pontiff—virtually, at least, over Zoom–suggesting ways in which the Catholic Church …
Nelson Institute affiliates discuss the future of fossil fuels on WPR
Nelson Institute affiliate and La Follette School of Public Affairs Professor Greg Nemet and Nelson Institute affiliate and Professor, Jonathan Patz are featured in a Wisconsin Public Radio story discussing the future of energy. This …
The Promise of Safe Food for Billions
Outside of agricultural and scientific circles, few people would hear the word “mycotoxin” and fully understand the reference. But they probably should. This menace just might be one of the biggest threats to our global …