The COVID-19 pandemic has created incredible challenges for higher education institutions around the world, and the University of Wisconsin–Madison has not been immune to those challenges.
However, as we deal with the impact that this crisis has had on the lives of our students and colleagues, our thoughts are also on our partners around the world from colleges and universities, governments, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and more. We are grateful for your continuing support and friendship.
Over the past weeks:
- Program providers and host universities have worked diligently to help over 1,000 UW–Madison students studying and interning abroad worldwide return to the U.S. These same partners have offered alternative instruction to ensure that students can earn credit for the semester.
- Organizations at the local, state, and federal levels have offered resources and tools for instruction and expressed their support for students, ensuring that they can continue to progress and grow academically, personally, and professionally.
- Partner institutions have shared their support for UW–Madison and have affirmed their continuing commitment to current and future collaborations, while also exploring ways to further our work together during this time.
- International Division staff have been active in creating opportunities for international engagement and offering support across campus
The University of Wisconsin–Madison wants to express our support and gratitude for our domestic and international partners. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed plans for instruction and collaboration, but it has also shown the value of working in tandem.
No institution is alone during this crisis. We all find ourselves working toward common goals: making sure our students are healthy and safe; providing opportunities for these students to continue to make progress toward their degrees and enrich themselves personally and professionally; and building on research that addresses shared issues.
Thank you to all who continue to support the University of Wisconsin–Madison. A global crisis demonstrates the need for a global community, one which we have all been working together to build through collaboration, partnership, and bonds that create long-lasting respect and mutual understanding. We at UW–Madison hope your communities and those close to you remain in good health and good spirits as we all work to see our way through to the end of this challenging time.
Our students, faculty, and staff look forward to building on our international relationships and have high hopes for the opportunities that await. Know we are grateful to count you among our communities and friends.