Adviser to French President Visits UW-Madison

Dr. Bernard Belloc, higher education and research adviser to French President Nicholas Sarkozy, spent a week in the Midwest sharing perspectives on higher education with faculty, staff, students, and business and community leaders. After a stop at the Alliance Française in Chicago, Dr. Belloc attended a reception with UW-Madison students, participated in a faculty roundtable, and presented, “The New French Policy for Higher Education and Research,” the inaugural lecture in the Global Studies in Higher Education speaker series.

Hosted by Dean of the Division of International Studies Gilles Bousquet, Belloc also consulted with UW System leaders and toured University Research Park and the WID/MIR construction site.

Dr. Belloc’s lecture was sponsored by the Division of International Studies and Global Studies, and co-sponsored by the Department of Education Policy Studies, Worldwide Universities Network (WUN), and the Center for Interdisciplinary French Studies.

Photo credit: Nina Gehan, Division of International Studies