Studying Arabic has opened many doors to worldwide opportunities for UW-Madison alumna Jessica Miller.

Jessica Miller studied Biology, African Literature and Languages, and African Studies before graduating in 2018 from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her dream is to work as a physician with Arabic-speaking refugees, uniting her two main interests; geopolitical conflict and global health.

After graduation, Miller received a fellowship to work with a non-governmental organization (NGO) called Collateral Repair Project (CRP) in Amman, Jordan.

“CRP is a local NGO which serves the need of urban refugees, and I am working as the Community Center Programs Manager,” Miller told us.

Upon return to the United States in 2019, Miller plans to apply to medical schools and begin her instruction to be a physician in 2020.

When Miller first came to Madison she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but she knew she was interested in health and conflict globally. She decided to study Arabic in order to work with the Arabic-speaking population of refugees, one of the largest in the world. Miller says she is fascinated by the current refugee crisis and how it can be aided by sustainable global health initiatives.

Read the full story.