April 2008 – China Initiative Month

Recognizing the importance of China to the economic and political future of Wisconsin and the United States, the Division of International Studies is introducing a UW-Madison China Initiative designed to promote global competence and to advance internationalization with respect to China.

To celebrate the inauguration of the Initiative we present to you a month of activities that are bringing various aspects of Chinese culture, politics and business to Madison.

April 3-6 th Wisconsin Film Festival Series

Undercurrents: Recent Films from China

For locations and tickets please visit www.wifilmfest.org

April 4th East Asian Languages and Literature Department Visiting Scholars Series

Traditional Narration and Literary treatment: Centering on the Narration on the Chinese Cultural Revolution and American Jewish consciousness novels after the Holocaust

Lixin WANG, Professor and Associate Dean of College of Literature at Nankai University, Tianjin, China

2:30-3:30pm, Location TBA

April 9th, Center for East Asian Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series

Autonomy through Social Networks: Law, Politics, and the News Media, 1931-1957

Sei-Jeong Chin, Visiting Assistant Professor of History, UW- Madison

12:00-1:15pm, 336 Ingraham

April 9th, Africa/China Symposium

Africa Encounters Global China

Howard French, Bureau Chief, The New York Times

Adama Gaye, Senegalese Journalist, former editor of West Africa magazine

3:00-7:00pm, AT&T Lounge, Pyle Center

April 16th, Center for East Asian Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series

Strange Creatures of Chu: Antlered Tomb Sculptures of the Warring States Period

Cortney Chaffin, Art Historian, UW-Stevens Point

12:00-1:15pm, 336 Ingraham

April 18-19th, East Asian Film Festival

7:00pm and 9:30pm screenings, Play Circle Theater, Memorial Union

Hip Hop as a Movement Week, Location TBA

April 25th, 5th annual “Breaking the Law” breakdance competition

April 26th, documentary screening “Break Borders” by Joey Kan

May 1st WI China Initiative Presents Sustaining Rapid Growth: Policy Challenges for China

Nicholas R. Lardy, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and member of the Council on Foreign Relations

4:30-6:30pm, Director’s Room, Grainger Hall

All the events are co-sponsored by the UW-Madison China Initiative