Call for Proposals

Call for Research Circles, Seminar Series, Strategic Speakers, and Development Funds

For complete information on these opportunities, click here.

The International Institute, with generous support from the Division of International Studies and Global Studies, announces a competition for new initiatives in International Studies.

I. Research Circles

The International Institute Research Circles join together groups of faculty, graduate students, and staff to advance research on particular intellectual themes of international relevance. Research Circles will be funded for three years, with starting dates staggered. Up to two proposals will be selected for the first year. The maximum total grant per proposal will be $64,000 with an approximate division of up to $16,000 in the first year, up to $32,000 in the second year and up to $16,000 in the third year.

II. Seminar Series, Strategic Speakers, and Development Funds

A. International Institute Global Studies Seminars – up to four awards of $5,000 will be made in 2008

We invite applications for year-long faculty-graduate seminars on global, comparative, or trans-area themes. These should be submitted by at least two individuals who are members of the faculty and/or academic staff affiliated with different International Institute member programs. Each seminar will receive $5,000, which can be used for activities supporting the seminar, e.g., to purchase readings and other materials, bring in outside speakers, fund video conferencing, create a Web site, or promote events related to the seminar.

B. Strategic Speaker Fund – one award of up to $6,000 will be made

We invite proposals for one featured speaker who would come to campus for an extended visit with opportunities for large and small group interactions with International Institute program members. The speaker should provide an opportunity for member programs to develop the intellectual community of the Institute, to seek expert guidance on issues that impact our future (certifying global competence, distance learning, languages, etc.), and/or to provide a forum for exchange and planning on such critical issues.

C. Support for Development Activities – total of $32,000 will be available annually and awards will be made on rolling basis

We invite applications from International Institute member programs interested in engaging in the development of initiatives that will benefit a program, multiple programs, or the Institute program as a whole. The development activities initiative is aimed at strengthening the next round of Title VI applications by member programs as well as helping member programs to develop alternative sources of financial support.

Where can additional information and advice on these competitions be obtained?

Click here for more information on these opportunities.


Guido Podesta, Associate Dean, Division of International Studies, 262-5805 or or Marianne Bird Bear, Associate Dean, Division of International Studies, 262-1335 or

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