Funding Opportunities: Center for Global Health Educational and Research Travel Awards – Applications Due November 10

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Global Health is pleased to announce that funding support is available for UW faculty and staff for educational and research travel that relates to the mission of the Center for Global Health.  Applications are due November 10, 2009. Please see the Center for Global Health Educational and Research Travel Awards document for more information on this funding opportunity.

Visit the Center for Global Health to get more information, including the chance to sign up as an affiliate.

Unfortunately, students, residents, previous Center for Global Health Travel Fellowship recipients are not eligible for these awards.

Learn more about the Center for Global Health

The Center for Global Health promotes interdisciplinary education, research, and partnerships to address health issues that transcend national boundaries.

* develop global health education programs
* advance global health research
* facilitate global health partnerships and exchanges
* foster an interdisciplinary network of global health scholars and practitioners.