Center for Global Health Travel Fellowships for Education are awarded to UW faculty and staff who are Center for Global Health affiliates, to undertake international travel during 2009 that is related to educational activities, including development for global health courses, initiation of field experiences and field research, and meeting attendance, which pertain directly to the mission of the CGH as outlined in the criteria below. Unfortunately, students & residents are not eligible for these awards.
Letters of application should be submitted to the Center for Global Health at Please note: Previous CGH Travel Fellowship recipients are not eligible to apply.
General Information: Please include full name, title/rank, department/school affiliation and contact information (home address, campus address, phone number(s) , email address) of the proposed traveler(s).
Please provide an abbreviated CV along with your general information.
Proposal/Request: In a single page, please describe the scope of work or reason for the activity for which travel funding is being requested. Include the educational objectives or activity, tentative itinerary, proposed travel dates, as well as specific amount requested and proposed budget.
Individuals may request up to $2500 each.
Other: Applicants should indicate other potential sources of funding besides personal funds.
If there is supporting documentation for the project (invitation letter, IRB approval, acceptance letter for meeting submission, protocol) this may also be provided.
Please forward to:
Center for Global Health
4256 Health Sciences Learning Center
750 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53705
All applications and supporting materials must be received in the Center for Global Health offices no later than October 31, 2008. Decisions and announcements of recipients will be made by November 17, 2008.
Grantees must be registered as Center for Global Health Affiliates. To register, visit:
Award decisions will be made by the Center for Global Health Steering Committee. Preference will be given to proposals that:
1) address important global health issues
2) have an interdisciplinary focus
3) have potential for an ongoing relationship/partnership with the host country
4) offer tangible educational benefits
Grantee Obligations:
Grant recipients are expected to provide a brief written report to the Center for Global Health within 60 days of travel completion, which should include the following:
- Receipts indicating use of funds provided
- Description of activities
- Educational objectives achieved
- List of contacts
All travel grant recipients must agree to comply with University of Wisconsin rules for travel & international travel:
Grantees should expect to be invited to present results from their activities at a future CGH meeting, such as a collaborative symposium, seminar or meeting.
Manuscripts, abstracts, or other publications generated as a direct result of this support should contain acknowledgment of this support from: The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Global Health.