Chenoweth featured on WISC-TV

We are delighted to announce that Channel 3 (WISC-TV) news will run a feature this evening on our distinguished international visitor and UW-Madison alum Florence Chenoweth.

The feature, which is part of WISC-TV’s “Inspiring Women” series, will appear during tonight’s 10 o’clock news. The clip will later be posted on the Channel 3000 Web site.

Florence Chenoweth was the United Nations Food and Agriculture (FAO) representative to the UN and executive director of the FAO Liaison Office in New York. Originally from Liberia, Chenoweth earned both her master’s degree in agricultural economics (1970) and her doctorate in land resources (1986) at UW-Madison. She became Liberia’s (and Africa’s) first female minister of agriculture at the age of 32, serving from 1977 to 1979.

While at UW-Madison, Dr. Chenoweth is working with Professor Scott Straus as part of the Human Rights Initiative. This initiative coordinates diverse, interdisciplinary human rights activities on campus, fosters new research and education on human rights, enhances existing studies, and promotes dialogue with the community.

The Distinguished International Visitor program regularly brings international practitioners to UW-Madison. Past visitors have included former U.S. ambassador to South Korea Donald Gregg, former U.S. ambassador to the European Union Stuart Eizenstat, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Jessica Tuchman Mathews. Dr. Chenoweth’s visit to UW-Madison is supported by the Chancellor’s Office, the Division of International Studies, the School of Medicine and Public Health, and the College of Agriculture and Life Science.