[CIBER] International Business Lectures Held Feb. 25 and March 8

India: Steps for Business Success

Friday, February 25

Holiday Inn Campus

2703 Craig Road

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) is pleased to partner with the UW-Madison Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) and the Center for South Asia to co-sponsor the workshop India: Steps for Business Success. Speakers include Wisconsin School of Business lecturer Sachin Tuli and representatives from companies with experience in the Indian market, including Harley-Davidson, Schreiber Foods, and Spacelabs Healthcare.


How to Travel Safely in an Unsafe World

Tuesday, March 8

Marriott Madison West

1313 John Q Hammons Drive

Middleton, Wisconsin

International business can bring many rewards but it can also expose travelers to safety and security risks. U.S. businesses with overseas customers, suppliers, or operations should make safety and security a top priority. Join CIBER and our partners at this important meeting where you will learn how to protect your employees, business information, and business operations overseas.  Visit the CIBER website for more information and registration details.

About CIBER:

Created by Congress in the late 1980s, CIBERs were established to help increase and promote the nation’s capacity for international understanding and economic enterprise. In 1998, the University of Wisconsin-Madison was selected as a CIBER, joining a distinct network of universities nationwide, all of which are known for the strength of their international programs. The Wisconsin CIBER was re-funded by the U.S. Department of Education for the 2006-2010 grant cycle. The School of Business will receive approximately $1.4 million to enhance international business education during the four-year period. For more information visit UW-Madison’s CIBER page.