Earlier this week, the Wisconsin International Scholars (WISc) Program celebrated their graduating seniors with a certificate ceremony and surprise Skype-in by WISc Faculty Chair Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor, associate professor of Dutch and German. Gilles Bousquet, dean of the Division of International Studies and vice provost for globalization, presented each graduate with a certificate.
The 2010 WISc Program graduates are: Leslea Alexander, Devra Cohen, Emily Erwin-Frank, Rebecca Gilsdorf , Michael Goldstein, Gabrielle Hinahara, Sara Jerving, Nesara Kishor, Rachel Miller, Allison Neumann, Maria Ramirez, Lydia Sorensen, Erica Steele, Amelia Vorpahl, and Ariel Welling.
The WISc Program is an enrichment program offered by the Division of International Studies
for undergraduate students in any college or major who are interested in adding an
international dimension to their education. The program provides students with
scholarship, mentoring, and networking opportunities.
In 2003, the program began with 10 students, and currently, there are 100 students and
For questions about the program, contact WISc Program Assistant Melody Niwot at wiscscholars@bascom.wisc.edu or (608) 262-9514.
Watch a clip of Bousquet’s address on Facebook.