Earthquake in Chile Shakes Families in Madison (WKOW)

CH. 27 – WKOW (March 1, 2010) — Madison residents with family in Chile are glad their family members are safe.

Also relieved, many UW students with family in Chile. UW–Madison students Patricio Mendoza and Javier Vera are graduate students at the UW. Mendoza is from Santiago, Chile.. about ten hours from the epicenter in Concepcion, Chile.

Mendoza says, “My brother contacted me, said he was okay.”

Mendoza had just recently been in Concepcion.

He said, “I was in that building that fell off, the one you see on the news, so it’s, you can’t explain, when you see that.”

There are more than a dozen UW students studying in Santiago. They’re all safe and accounted for.

Read the full WKOW article.