‘Experience Languages!’ brings pre-college students into UW-Madison classrooms

Wisconsin middle and high school students are getting a taste of world languages at the University of Wisconsin–Madison through Experience Languages!

The outreach initiative, organized by the Language Institute, also introduces visiting students to related opportunities, such as study abroad, international internships, and residential language communities.

On April 12, 2016, approximately 60 students from Monroe High School were introduced to Portuguese, Finnish, Mandarin, Swahili, Ancient Greek, and Yucatec Mayan. Each student was introduced to two languages.

The Experience Languages! initiative began in the fall 2015. Schools that participated include Madison East and LaFollette, Plymouth, Kimberly, Fort Atkinson, Cedarburg, Sauk Prairie, Verona, and Waterford.

UW Language Experience 033Wendy Johnson, assistant director of the Language Institute, welcomes the Monroe students and gives an overview of languages at UW–Madison.

UW Language Experience 070Israel Pechstein gives Monroe students an introductory lesson in Portuguese.

UW Language Experience 078Serah Kivuti introduces students to Swahili.

UW Language Experience 094Ilkka Posio teaches students to engage in Finnish

UW Language Experience 123Hong Yan challenges students to write Chinese characters.

Click here to view more photos from Experience Languages!

Photos by Kerry G. Hill