Faculty Grant Opportunities via CIBER

Upcoming Deadlines for CIBER Grant Opportunities

The UW-Madison Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) offers two university grant programs for UW System faculty. The deadline for the next Global Research/Curriculum Development awards is Wednesday, October 1, 2008. The deadline for the next round of Applied Funds support is Monday, December 1, 2008.

CIBER’s Global Research/Curriculum Development grants usually range from $2,000-$7,500 and support international research or curriculum development activities such as developing an international study tour or enhancing a business language course. CIBER’s Applied Funds program provides grants of up to $2,000 to support travel, conference registration, and participation in faculty development programs.

Requests for funding under either program must relate to one or more of CIBER’s programmatic goals, including internationalizing curriculum content; creating faculty development and enrichment programs; collaborating with foreign language departments to develop business language courses; funding global research projects, events and publications on issues of strategic national interest; and creating and sponsoring business outreach and training programs to enhance the ability of U.S. business to compete internationally.

Please visit the CIBER Web site at www.bus.wisc.edu/ciber to learn more about these programs or contact Suzanne Dove, CIBER outreach director, at Sdove@bus.wisc.edufor more information.

Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) programs in China and India

In January 2009, the UW-Madison CIBER will co-sponsor two Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) programs in China and India and will provide partial support for UW System faculty and academic staff with teaching responsibilities to participate. Please see the CIBER Web site at http://www.bus.wisc.edu/ciber/facphd/fdib.asp for information about these programs and what this support includes. CIBER funding is intended to support applicants with limited experience in the region who are interested in developing an in-depth understanding of these markets and business cultures.

Applications for UW-Madison CIBER funding to attend either of these programs are due by Friday, October 10, 2008. To apply, please send an abbreviated CV and a cover letter indicating which program you are interested in attending and explaining your interest in the program and how its content would benefit your courses and/or research to uwmadisonciber@bus.wisc.edu. If you have any questions about these programs, please contact Suzanne Dove, CIBER outreach director, at sdove@bus.wisc.edu or (608) 265-4938.