Fulbright US Scholar Workshop

Fulbright Scholar Program Faculty Workshop
University of Wisconsin-Madison
206 Ingraham Hall
1155 Observatory Dr.
October 21, 2014 — 1:30-3:00 PM

Catherine Matto, Assistant Director of the Fulbright US Scholar Program at the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) will offer a workshop on the Fulbright Program for Faculty and Professionals:

Learn about teaching and research opportunities in more than 125 countries
Get Advice on selecting countries for application & making contacts abroad
Explore how your campus can host visiting foreign Fulbright scholars
Get Tips on how to prepare the Fulbright application

To reserve a seat please contact Dr. Erin Crawley, fellow@intl-institute.wisc.edu
Space is limited, so RSVP by Thursday, October 16.

There is no charge for the workshop.

Fulbright campus representatives and interested faculty are encouraged to attend.

Directions/Parking: http://map.wisc.edu/s/aw2ca42x