Fulbright US Student Information for Undergraduates

Find out about the Fulbright US Student program

If you are an undergraduate interested in pursuing a project abroad after you graduate, come to an information session to find out more about this incredible opportunity. If you are a Freshman or Sophomore, it is not too early to learn about this program. Are you a Junior or Senior? Then it’s not late (or too early) to begin preparing for Fulbright application deadlines in the fall (early September)!

Dr. Erin Crawley is the Fulbright Program Advisor for UW-Madison and is available to meet with students at any point in their undergraduate career to talk about Fulbright grants. There will be one general information session about the Fulbright US Student program and one session that will focus on the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) grant opportunity during International Education week. We will discuss the different types of grant categories, the application process, and how to plan ahead for a successful application.

If you can’t attend an information session, but would like to learn more about the program, you can schedule an individual appointment with Dr. Crawley: fellow@intl-institute.wisc.edu, http://fellowships.international.wisc.edu/, 608-262-9632.

Fulbright general information session for Undergraduates:

Tuesday, November 12
12:30-1:30 PM
Union South, Room TBD

Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship grant:

Thursday, November 14
2:30-3:30 PM
336 Ingraham Hall

The Fulbright US Student program is a federally funded grant program; applicants must be US citizens. The website for the Fulbright US Student Program is http://us.fulbrightonline.org/