The Center for German and European Studies (CGES) announces several research assistant (RA) positions (at 33%) to be offered to exceptionally well-qualified students whose research fits within the four CGES themes for 2008-2012. Students are expected to complete a significant piece of research of their own during the spring 2010 semester and to submit a report of the work accomplished by the end of May 2010. The deadline is November 9, 2009.
Students must satisfy the following requirements:
• Full-time graduate student status at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
• Completion of at least one full academic year of classes in a UW-Madison graduate program by September 2009
• Research thematically related to at least one of the four CGES project areas (see Web site below). Students who have not demonstrated the relevance of their application to one of the four themes will not be considered.
The center will provide RA support for the following types of students:
• Doctoral candidates engaged in a course of study that will lead to a dissertation in German and European Studies
• Students who are now pursuing or may pursue a Ph.D. minor in German and/or European Studies
• Professional school students (JD, LLM, MS, MBA) currently developing expertise in German and European topics
To apply, send the following materials to the CGES (see address below):
• A one-page cover letter with the following information: name, contact information, departmental affiliation, title of research project, and the name of one UW-Madison faculty member familiar with your work, preferably one of the CGES theme leaders or faculty participants.
• One-page abstract of your research project including a statement about where your research fits into your plan of studies (e.g., MA thesis, pre-dissertation work, dissertation) and how it relates to one or more of the thematic program areas of CGES. If the application is to present work already done, additionally explain how this presentation will contribute to the accomplishment of the goals of the thematic program area.
• A current curriculum vitae and an informal copy of your transcript.
Deadline: November 9, 2009
The Center for German and European Studies
213 Ingraham, 1155 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s European Studies Alliance is:
The Center for European Studies
The Center for German and European Studies
The European Union Center of Excellence
The Center for Interdisciplinary French Studies
213 Ingraham, 1155 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706