Global Health Seminar Series: “From the Tsunami to Haiti and Chile: A Global and UW Perspective”

UW-Madison’s Center for Global Health will host the Global Health Seminar Series:  “From the Tsunami to Haiti and Chile: A Global and UW Perspective,” featuring Marvin Birnbaum, MD
emeritus professor and former director of emergency medical services at UW Hospital and Clinics.  The event will be held, Wednesday, April 7, from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend this event.

About the Seminar:
The recent tragic events in Haiti and Chile have again raised our collective awareness of global disaster reduction and emergency response. This seminar will discuss the efforts following the tsunami of 2004, the adoption of the Framework for Action in Hyogo, Japan at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in 2005, and will address the subsequent development of conceptual and research evaluation frameworks and humanitarian reform. This historical background will lead to discussion of what efforts are taking place now on our UW campus and throughout the world.

Parking and Transportation:
Parking is free after 4:30 p.m. in lot 76 (parking ramp by Nielsen Tennis Stadium).

The #80 campus bus stops in front of the Health Sciences Learning Center.