Global Hot Spots: Dynamics of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

Nadav Shelef  (Political Science, UW-Madison)

Friday, March 13
1:30 – 2:30 p.m
Room 121, The Pyle Center, UW-Campus

Nadav Shelef (Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 2005) is the Harvey M. Meyerhoff Assistant Professor of Israel Studies and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science. His current project, Evolving Nationalism: Homeland, Religion, and National Identity in Israel explains how and why Zionist movements changed their conception of the Land of Israel, who can be Israeli, and the appropriate role of Judaism in the Jewish state. Extending beyond Israel, his teaching and research interests involve theoretical approaches to nationalism and the intersection of religion and politics in the Middle East and beyond.

Part of the ongoing Global Hot Spots Lecture Series.