GLS Call for Funding Proposals


DATE: May 11, 2006

CONTACT: Heinz Klug, Director, Global Legal Studies Initiative,

Global Legal Studies Initiative Announces Call for Funding Proposals

Madison, WI — The Global Legal Studies Initiative (GLSI), a joint project of the University of Wisconsin Law School and the Division of International Studies, is soliciting funding proposals for fall 2006 and spring 2007 semesters. GLSI is interested in providing modest amounts of seed money (e.g., $500-$2000) for interdisciplinary projects that would advance its goals. Proposals might include a request to fund international travel for individual research purposes; to cover expenses for hosting an international legal scholar; or to provide partial support for a larger project that is substantially funded by other sources. UW-Madison faculty, academic staff, and research entities on campus are eligible for the grants.

The GLSI promotes the understanding of international, transnational, and comparative legal systems, processes and regimes and disseminates this knowledge to students and constituencies on and off campus. To launch this effort, GLSI, in conjunction with other entities on campus, sponsored a series of events in Fall 2004 about “Law and Global Transformations.” In Fall 2005, GLSI hosted a week-long series on constitutional issues, including a workshop on Constitution-building in Africa post-1989, the Fish-Harnack Human Rights Lecture delivered by Professor Brun-Otto Bryde, Justice of the German Constitutional Court, as well as a second weekend workshop on Constitution-building in Comparative Perspective. In Spring, 2006, GLSI cosponsored a symposium, “Humanitarian Intervention After 9/11” as well as other lectures and projects. GLSI receives ongoing support from the Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) and the East Asian Legal Studies Center (EALSC), and is based at the Institute for Legal Studies (ILS). Additional information can be found at

GLSI funding recipients would be expected to: (1) submit a single page summary report about their project when it is completed for GLSI files, and (2) acknowledge any GLSI support by including in any publications or emerging documents a footnote indicating that “This project received (either partial funding or substantial support) from the Global Legal Studies Initiative at the University of Wisconsin Law School.” In some cases recipients may be asked to give a talk about their project at the Law School.

The deadline for submitting a proposal for Fall 2006 is June 1, 2006. The deadline for Winter/Spring 2007 proposals is October 1, 2006.

Requirements: Submit a three to five page written description of your project with a budget summary to Heinz Klug, Director, Global Legal Studies Initiative, UW Law School, 975 Bascom Mall, CAMPUS.

Questions: Contact Professor Heinz Klug at