Half the Sky: Climate Change, Population and the Lives of Women

The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
invites you to a free public lecture

Half the Sky: Climate Change, Population and the Lives of Women

with Guest Speaker Robert Engelman

Tuesday, April 14
7:00 p.m.
1315 Daniels Chemistry Building, 1101 University Ave.
University of Wisconsin-Madison

The last program in this year’s Gaylord Nelson Lecture Series on the theme “Population and Resources”

Robert Engelman is vice president for programs at the Worldwatch Institute, a globally focused environmental research organization based in Washington, D.C. Engelman provides strategic direction for the institute’s research and programs and is a specialist in issues of population, reproductive health, global public health, climate change, and food security. Before joining Worldwatch, he was vice president for research at Population Action International, a policy research and advocacy group in Washington, and directed its program on population and the environment. He has written extensively on population’s connections to environmental change, economic growth, and civil conflict.

A former newspaper reporter specializing in politics, science, health, and the environment, Engelman has served on the faculty of Yale University as a visiting lecturer and was founding secretary of the Society of Environmental Journalists. The Population Institute awarded his book, More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want, the 2008 Global Media Award for Individual Reporting on Population. Salon.com wrote that More “convincingly champions women’s reproductive rights the world over.” Engelman’s writing has appeared in scientific and news media including Nature, The Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.

Support for this lecture series is provided by the Holstrom-Kineke Environmental Studies Fund