Workshop: “Health and Development in Africa: An International Dialogue”Monday, 7 April 2008
1:30 – 6:00 p.m.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health
Health Sciences Learning Center
750 Highland Avenue Auditorium (Room 1325)
The workshop examines various international organizations’ development policy and initiatives in the area of health, specifically those underway in Africa. Experts on the European Union and World Bank will offer presentations on the programs in progress in these institutions. In addition to addressing health and development policy, the workshop will focus on the implementation of health initiatives on the ground, highlighting the impact of development policy on the relationships between health care providers and local actors in postcolonial Africa. The workshop aims to bring together practitioners and scholars in medicine, law, and the social sciences to discuss an issue relevant to a wide range of disciplines.
The workshop is free and open to public.
For the workshop poster, please click here.
For further questions, please contact or 608-265-8040.