The Center for the Humanities proudly presents:
Human Subjects: Bioethical Boundaries and Global Health
Claire Wendland
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology; Obstetrics & Gynecology; Medical History and Bioethics; African Studies Program; Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies; Center for Global Health
January 30, 2009 @ 12:00 pm
Banquet Room, University Club
Reservation Deadline is Tuesday, January 27, NOON
A decade ago, studies on the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to fetus in Africa sparked worldwide debate and prompted revisions of international bioethics codes. The debate and the revisions both relied on an idea of the ‘human subject’ stripped of social, geographic, and economic particulars. Experience in one of the countries involved in the contested research leads me to argue that this de-localization perpetuates troubling inequalities of power and resources, and hinders improvement in global health.
Attendance is by reservation only, and space is limited. To reserve space at the following program, please send an e-mail including your UW-Madison affiliation and daytime phone number to The reservation deadline for each program is NOON on the Tuesday prior to the event.