India Initiative and Center for South Asia Lecture: “Coalition Politics in the 2009 Indian Election” – Event November 10

The India Initiative and Center for South Asia present the lecture, “Coalition Politics in the 2009 Indian Election” presented by Eswaran Sridharan, academic director from the University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study India. The talk will be held Tuesday, November 10 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., in the Auditorium at the Wisconsin Historical Society.

Learn more about Dr. Eswaran Sridharan
Dr. Eswaran Sridharan is the academic director of the University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India (UPIASI) , (in New Delhi) , from its inception in 1997, and was earlier with the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. He is a political scientist with research interests in the political economy of development, party systems and coalition politics, and international relations theory, conflict resolution, and cooperation-building in South Asia. He is the author of The Political Economy of Industrial Promotion: Indian, Brazilian and Korean Electronics in Comparative Perspective 1969-1994 (1996); and has co-edited (with Zoya Hasan and R. Sudarshan) , India’s Living Constitution: Ideas, Practices, Controversies (2002; 2005); co-edited (with Anthony D’Costa) , India in the Global Software Industry: Innovation, Firms Strategies and Development, (2004); co-edited (with Peter de Souza) India’s Political Parties (2006); and edited The India-Pakistan Nuclear Relationship: Theories of Deterrence and International Relations (2007).

Professor Sridharan will be comparing patterns of pre-electoral coalition politics, state by state, within each pre-electoral alliance in the 2009 Indian election compared to 2004, placing this in the context of coalition theory and the dynamics of first-past-the-post electoral systems.

This lecture is free and open to the public. We welcome your attendance.

This lecture is co-sponsored by the India Initiative with funding from the Division of International Studies and the WAGE.

Learn more about the India Initiative
Established in 2007, the University of Wisconsin-Madison India Initiative brings together faculty across campus, alumni, and friends to support, enhance, and increase awareness about India’s arts, cultures, economy, history, religions, and society.

Through collaboration with diverse departments and programs, and with support from alumni and friends, the India Initiative highlights scholarship and outreach efforts and facilitates new programs to help us better understand and engage with India’s rising global prominence in such diverse fields as medicine, journalism, economy and industry, engineering, biotechnology, and law.

Recognizing the importance of India to the economic and political future of Wisconsin and the United States, this enhanced collaboration with and dissemination about India will benefit Wisconsin’s businesses and citizens as a whole.

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