Law School’s Ohnesorge Named Co-Director of UW-Madison China Initiative

University of Wisconsin Law School Professor John Ohnesorge has been named Co-Director of the new UW-Madison China Initiative, which is designed to promote global competence and to advance internationalization with respect to China.

The Initiative, announced by the UW-Madison Division of International Studies in 2008, has brought together a group of outstanding faculty, alumni, and leaders in business and government to bolster research and teaching about China, to create new partnerships between Chinese higher education institutions and the UW-Madison, and to develop plans for strategic engagements between China and the State of Wisconsin.

Ohnesorge, who is Vice-Director of the Law School’s East Asian Legal Studies Center, commented, “I am honored to be able to help lead this important campus initiative, which will support teaching and scholarship on China here in Madison, as well as exchanges with Chinese universities and other institutions. Our East Asian Legal Studies Center has been moving ahead on these fronts for the past several years, and events such as our October technology conference with WARF and Nanjing University mesh very well with the objectives of the China Initiative.”

For more information on the upcoming conference, organized by the East Asian Legal Studies Center in partnership with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) and Nanjing University, see .

Ohnesorge will be Co-Director of the China Initiative for a two-year term. For more information on the goals and work of the Initiative, see .