In light of legislation passed by the Hungarian Parliament on April 4 that encroaches on the academic freedom of teaching and research at Central European University (CEU) and other international higher education institutions, International Division Vice Provost & Dean Guido Podestá issued the letter below in support of CEU. The letter was sent to Petra Kammerevert, member of the European Parliament and Culture and Education Committee Chairman.
Dear MEP Petra Kammerevert,
I am writing on behalf of the University of Wisconsin–Madison to express concern about legislative changes that jeopardize the status of Central European University (CEU) in Hungary. These changes challenge academic freedom in teaching and research at CEU, as well as the continuing operation of the university.
Since Central European University was founded in 1991, the university has established itself as a respected institution with an international reputation for teaching and research in the social sciences, humanities and several other disciplines. Students attending from 117 countries, as well as faculty members who hail from 40 countries, further demonstrate that CEU is a global university. CEU supports and nurtures scholars who are recognized by their peers as outstanding in their fields of study.
We respectfully urge you as the Culture and Education Committee Chairman for the European Parliament to advocate for students and scholars at CEU so that they might pursue their teaching, research and scholarship with the independence and academic freedom that is crucial to CEU’s mission.
Guido Podestá
Vice Provost & Dean
International Division, University of Wisconsin-Madison