New Online Methods Course for Instructors of Less Commonly Taught Languages

The Language Institute and the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages are pleased to announce the Fall 2008 pilot of Methods of Teaching Less Commonly Taught Languages, a new online course for post-secondary instructors of less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). Enrollment is limited!

Course Description

Methods of Teaching Less Commonly Taught Language is a fully online course developed in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Language Institute, in collaboration with the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages (NCOLCTL), to provide pre- and in-service teachers of less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) at the postsecondary level with an introduction to language teaching methods.

The course is built around the National Standards for Foreign Language Education, with a framework that responds directly to the particular challenges shared by many instructors working in LCTLs in the United States.  The course is based on original material authored by the project team, videotaped interviews with LCTL professionals and students, videotaped exemplars of classroom practices, and readings from professional journals and other works.  In this course, you will reflect on your and other’s teaching practices, learn about approaches to language teaching and research in language learning, and apply new ideas and methods to your teaching.

Course authors

Sally Magnan, Dianna Murphy, Robin Worth, Erlin Barnard

Questions about enrolling

Dr. Dianna Murphy, (608) 262-1575

Click here for more Information.