Post-event Media: Global Panel to Discuss Education and Competitiveness

Interim Chancellor David Ward welcomed a group of education leaders from around the world to the University of Wisconsin–Madison on Tuesday, July 26 for a panel discussion, “Education and Competitiveness: The End of an American Century?” held in the Wisconsin Idea Room of the Education Building on Bascom Hill. The panel focused on trends in the evolving and competitive nature of the American higher education system.

Photos by Kerry Hill, Division of International Studies

Panelists for this event included:

  • Abdul Waheed Khan, former assistant director general of communication and information at UNESCO and current president of Talal Abu Ghazaleh University of Business, Bahrain, speaking on “India’s Five-Year Higher Education Investment Plan and Its Promises for the Future.”
  • Aman Wirakartakusumah, Indonesian ambassador for UNESCO and former Rector of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia, speaking on “The Global Higher Education Landscape as Seen from Southeast Asia.”
  • Xiaozhou Xu, dean of the School of Education, Zhejiang University, China, speaking on “Towards Tri-Axis in Global Higher Education: The Rising of Asian Universities?”
  • Julie Underwood, dean of UW–Madison School of Education, speaking on “America’s Role in International Consortia: Who is Leading the Conversation?”

Vice Provost Gilles Bousquet provided remarks, while Amy Stambach, UW–Madison professor of educational policy studies in the School of Education and associate dean in the Division of International Studies moderated the program.  The School of Education and the Wisconsin Alumni Association sponsored a reception held after the event.

You can watch the entire lecture on the School of Education video page