Press Coverage on International Educational Exchange

From the Council on International Exchange Newsletter

We are pleased to see the attention that international education continues to receive in the U.S. and international press, as the findings of the Open Doors report and the Fall 2007 enrollment survey get picked up around the world. Several examples are posted below for your information.

Over the past few days, we have seen press coverage in the national and international outlets, including articles in the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and the Times of India, and the special section in this week’s Chronicle of Higher Education that was highlighted in Monday’s IIE.Interactive. In addition to this coverage, Inside Higher Ed carried an online feature that looked at both foreign student numbers and U.S. students studying abroad. And we are seeing localized stories now being reported by regional press, as well as campus publications starting to use Open Doors to showcase their internationalization.

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to work with your media relations article to use the Open Doors findings for your campus or state as a news hook to showcase what you are doing on your campus.

Higher Education Publications:
Inside Higher Ed
More Foreign Students — Everywhere

Chronicle of Higher Education
Number of Foreign Students Bounces Back to Near-Record High

Chronicle of Higher Education
Study-Abroad Numbers Continue to Climb, Trips Are Shorter, Report Says

National News:

Washington Post
Foreign Enrollment In U.S. Rebounds

USA Today
Report: USA sees first increase in foreign students since 9/11

New York Times
Study: Foreign Students Added to Economy

Wire Services:

Agence France Press
Foreign student enrollment in US up for the first time since 9/11

Associated Press
Number of Students Studying Abroad Rises

Voice of America
US Remains Top Destination for Foreign Students