Putting Dinner on 6.7 Billion Plates Today and 3 Billion More by 2050

The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies invites you to a free public lecture

with Guest Speaker

Dr. Florence Chenoweth

Tuesday, November 18
7:00 p.m.
2650 Mosse Humanities Building, 455 N. Park St.
University of Wisconsin-Madison

The second program in this year’s Gaylord Nelson Lecture Series on the theme “Population and Resources”
Florence Chenoweth is managing director of the Human Rights Initiative at UW-Madison, where she earned her M.S. in agricultural economics and her Ph.D. in land resources. A  national of Liberia, Chenoweth became its — and Africa’s — first female minister of agriculture at age 32.

She went on to become a technical adviser to the World Bank. Ultimately, she joined the staff of the Food and Agriculture Organization, serving in the Gambia, South Africa, and finally, New York, where she was FAO’s lead representative and liaison to the United Nations from 2001 to 2007.

Support for this lecture series is provided by the Holstrom-Kineke Environmental Studies Fund.