Name: Kelsey Campbell
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Year: Senior
Area of Study: Psychology and legal studies
About: Kelsey is a Posse Scholar who plans to pursue a law degree in Illinois in hopes of becoming a public defender.
Program: International Academic Programs’ (IAP) UW Global Gateway: Washington D.C.
Why did you choose this program?
I was supposed to go on the UW Global Gateway in India the summer of 2020 to study religion and politics and that was cancelled [due to COVID]. The following semester, the advisor reached out to talk to me and she said that I had the option to apply to the Global Gateway in D.C. I checked it out and it sounded so amazing. It was in the summer so I could take a course, work, and do this amazing program.
What impact did your experience with the program have on your future?
Well, I didn’t know I wanted to pursue law… I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to pursue. Graduate school was the plan and was flirting with the idea of law, but when we got to D.C., we met law students, lawyers, professors of law and so many different people in the field. I was asking them all of the questions I had, and all of their answers impacted me. It made me know what my interests are. When we were going to museums and learning about history, I was like “wow… this is what I want to do with my life.”
What was your experience with the Global Gateway program like and do you have advice for other students considering similar programs?
It was a great experience. I am an RA for UW housing and I cannot stop talking about this program. Even on my “About Me” board it says “Ask me about my trip, I studied abroad in Washington D.C.”
If you’re interested in the legal field, in legal studies, a political science student or even if you just want to learn more about history and politics in the United States (because I didn’t really know anything about politics) … if you have any interest, definitely apply. Living in a different city, learning how to use public transportation, eating new foods… the whole experience changed me, and I still talk to my friends from the program.