Students learn less common languages at intensive summer institute

The vibrant mission of teaching students less commonly taught languages such as Tibetan, Hindi, Urdu and others continues this summer at UW–Madison’s South Asia Summer Language Institute (SASLI), alongside a brand-new new mission — teaching the teachers.

UW–Madison is known internationally for its eight-week summer language programs run through the Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institute (WISLI), of which SASLI is a part.

“Less commonly taught does not necessarily mean less commonly spoken,” says Felecia Lucht, director of WISLI. “The languages offered in the summer language institutes are not only of critical importance for our country, but also for learners’ personal and professional goals.”

Instruction in a variety of typically less commonly taught languages is offered through SASLI, the Arabic, Persian and Turkish Language Immersion Institute, the Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute, the Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute and the Summer Intensive Portuguese Institute.

Story by Dennis Chaptman. Originally posted at Read the full story!