The India Initiative is pleased to announce a new TATA Graduate Research Grant on Contemporary India. Applicants shall be doctoral students in good standing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in any of the university’s social science programs.
We request applications for pre-dissertation and dissertation research on topics related to contemporary and post-Independence India. We are especially interested in encouraging new research on India from students who would like to explore the possibility of studying India as part of a larger study.
Applicants may request up to $1,500. Funds can be used until August 2010 and will be available as early as Fall 2009.
Applicants should submit:
• a short description of the project (not more than two double-spaced pages);
• a preliminary travel budget and schedule of the proposed research;
• names and e-mail addresses of two on-campus faculty members who are familiar with the applicant’s work, and who will be willing to send in a letter of support by 1st October 2009 if asked to do so;
• resume and transcripts.
All materials should be submitted by September 15 , 2009 to:
• Grant Committee,
• Queries should be addressed to Professor Aseema Sinha,
Successful applicants will be expected to visit one of the TATA companies in India and upon return present the results of their work at Center for South Asia and India Initiative events.