Two Upcoming CIBER Events: Intellectual Property Rights and Doing Business in Brazil

In September, UW-Madison Center for Business Education and Research (CIBER) will host two international business events: Tuesday, September 14 and Thursday, September 23.

Protecting your Intellectual Property Rights in Global Markets

11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Marriott Madison West
1313 John Q. Hammons Drive
Middleton, WI

The United States boasts one of the world’s most innovative economies, with entrepreneurs, researchers, and workers creating thousands of new brands, products, technologies, and processes each year. The strength of U.S. brands, and product innovations developed by U.S. companies, are key to the success of U.S. companies competing in the global marketplace. However, as business becomes more global and companies manufacture or sell their products overseas, the need to protect intellectual property rights is becoming increasingly important. This program features legal experts who will discuss different types of intellectual property and how to acquire trademark rights in foreign countries. You will also hear from Wisconsin company representatives about how they have confronted the challenges of protecting their intellectual property rights while doing business overseas.

Brazil: Business Opportunities for U.S. Companies

9:00 – 11:50 a.m.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Grainger Hall, Executive Dining Room
975 University Avenue
Madison, WI

Brazil’s economy, one of the largest in the world, is expected to grow between 5 and 6 percent in 2010 and 2011. The country offers a domestic market of more than 190 million people, half of whom are middle-class; a stable democracy with a sound financial system and sensible macroeconomic policies; strength in a range of industries including manufacturing, commodities, energy, and agribusiness; and openness to trade. Yet challenges remain, including a long-standing U.S.-Brazilian dispute on cotton that threatens to affect other U.S. exports to Brazil. This program features a senior Brazilian trade official and a U.S. legal expert and will cover key aspects of the Brazilian market and legal environment.

For more details, visit the CIBER event calendar or contact Suzanne Dove, CIBER director of outreach.