UW India Initiative Presents India’s Energy Scenario and Climate Change

The UW-Madison India Initiative invites you to attend the presentation “India’s Energy Scenario and Climate Change” by Surendra L. Rao on Monday, September 20, from 5-7:00 p.m. in Ingraham Hall.

Professor S. L. Rao is Member, Board of Governors, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore and Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Energy & Resources Institute, Delhi, and Bangalore.

Rao is currently an Emerging Powers Initiative executive speaker at UW-Madison and has authored or edited fourteen books on the economy, energy, management, management education, and governance, and innumerable articles. In addition, he is on many boards of corporate, research, cultural, and development organizations. He is known for applying macro economic trends to the enterprise, strategy, marketing management, human resource development, and integrated performance analysis of enterprises.

The event is open to the public, who will enjoy complimentary tea and samosas. You may RSVP to staff@india.wisc.edu. The event is co-sponsored by Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), the Office of Corporate Relations, and the Center for South Asia UW-Madison.

Lean More About the India Initiative

Established in 2007 by the Center for South Asia and the Division of International Studies, the University of Wisconsin-Madison India Initiative brings together faculty across campus, alumni, and friends to support, enhance, and increase awareness about India’s arts, cultures, economy, history, religions, and society.

Through collaboration with diverse departments and programs, and with support from alumni and friends, the India Initiative highlights scholarship and outreach efforts and facilitates new programs to help us better understand and engage with India’s rising global prominence in such diverse fields as medicine, journalism, economy and industry, engineering, biotechnology, and law.

Recognizing the importance of India to the economic and political future of Wisconsin and the United States, this enhanced collaboration with and dissemination about India will benefit Wisconsin’s businesses and citizens.