Adam Lichtenheld
“In an interdependent society, diplomacy is far too important to be entrusted to political leaders and their proxies. As a traveler, writer, and journalist, I have sought to do away with the superfluous, superficial, and simplistic depictions of foreign places that dominate the ‘conventional wisdom,’ using my words to encapsulate the raw experience of being deeply and meaningfully engaged across cultures and communities. By putting a face on the statistics and the stereotypes, I’ve proposed a more personalized medium to help explain the complexities of our world. In my nomadic wanderings – from the jungles of East Africa, to the mountains of Western Europe, to the deserts of the Middle East – I’ve found a potent mixture of calm and calamity, and discovered that inspiration comes from the unknown, the unexplored, and the misunderstood.”
Where I’ve Lived Abroad: Amman, Jordan – Cairo, Egypt – Kampala, Uganda – Geneva, Switzerland – Salalah, Oman
Click here to read Adam’s dispatches.
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