WAGE offers fall courses related to globalization and the international economy

WAGE Senior Fellows and Affiliates regularly offer graduate and undergraduate courses related to globalization and the international economy. The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy encourages students to review the below list of courses offered this fall. Please note that enrollment is at the discretion of the individual professor and a number of the undergraduate courses allow for graduate enrollment.

For further information about the courses or to view syllabi, please visit the WAGE courses website at http://wage.wisc.edu/students/courses/.


Comparative Sociology of Contemporary Capitalism
Jonathan Zeitlin
, UW-Madison Professor of Sociology, Public Affairs, Political Science, and History

Law and Modernization in the Developing World
David Trubek, UW-Madison Voss-Bascom Professor of Law
John Ohnesorge, UW-Madison Associate Professor of Law

International Governance
Mark Copelovitch, UW-Madison Assistant Professor of Public Affairs

Selected Problems in Administrative Law: Regulatory Reform
David Trubek, UW-Madison Voss-Bascom Professor of Law
Louise Trubek, UW-Madison Clinical Professor of Law


America and the World since 1902
Jeremi Suri, UW-Madison Professor of History

Economic Growth and Development in Southeast Asia
Ian Coxhead, UW-Madison Professor of Agriculture and Applied Economics

Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy
Michael Carter, UW-Madison Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Laura Schecter, UW-Madison Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics

International Development, Environment and Sustainability
Samer Alatout, UW-Madison Professor of Rural Sociology

International Trade and Finance
Maria Muniagurria, Senior Lecturer in Economics

The Politics of Global Financial Relations
Mark Copelovitch, UW-Madison Assistant Professor of Public Affairs

Politics of the World Economy
Edward Friedman, UW-Madison Professor of Political Science

Survery of International Economics
Maria Muniagurria, Senior Lecturer in Economics

More courses will be posted shortly!

For professors interested in posting course information or syllabi, please email the pertinent information to wage@intl-institute.wisc.edu and we will post it to our course pages. We look forward to expanding our offerings and providing a central location for course options for students interested in globalization.