WISCAPE International Video Seminar Series

Those who study, practice, and make policy in higher education world-wide often lack a shared language and a forum in which to discuss the purpose and value of universities, as well as the meaning and impact of internationalization on these institutions. Organized by scholars at the University of Bristol (UK), this video seminar series aims to find a shared language and offer a forum to examine past and present models of internationalization in higher education.

Linked by distance technology, a diverse group of scholars and university leaders from around the world will explore key issues in higher education and globalization from current and historical perspectives. Topics will include the expansion of higher education in China, the role of universities in a Global Era, the motives behind international academic travel in the past, and the rise of medieval universities as hubs of knowledge innovation (see details below).

This seminar series is available on the UW–Madison campus thanks to funding from the World Universities Network (WUN) and the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) in cooperation with the Department of Educational Policy Studies (EPS).

To accommodate participants from around the world, all video seminars will take place at the Pyle Center from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

If you are interested in attending these seminars (either one or all), please contact Adam Nelson, Associate Professor of Educational Policy Studies and History, at 608-263-2629 or anelson@education.wisc.edu. To make necessary arrangements and distribute pre-program materials, we need an estimate of participants for each session 7 days before each seminar.
