Wisconsin China Initiative Leadership Board Meeting: September 23-24

The Wisconsin China Initiative Leadership Board will gather for their annual meeting,  September 23 -24, with a public panel discussion on September 24, from 2- 4 p.m. at the Pyle Center, Room 235 (overflow: Pyle Center, Room 313).  Dean Gilles Bousquet of the Division of International Studies, and the faculty co-chairs of the Wisconsin China Initiative, John Ohnesorge (Law) and Leyuan Shi (Engineering) , invite you to attend “China and the Global Economic Crisis.”

The panel features UW faculty members Edward Friedman (Political Science) , Menzie Chin (Economics) , and Guanming Shi (Agricultural and Applied Economics) , and as special guests, UW alumni Nicholas Lardy (Peterson Institute for International Economics) , Yao Yang (China Center for Economic Research, Peking University) , and Ed Gargan (Asia Bureau Chief, Newsday).

A Few Meeting Highlights

The two-day assembly  will include a board meeting to address topics such as developing “Global Talent”; a lunch presentation, “Governor’s Trade Mission to China”; a free and public panel discussion; and student engagement opportunities and presentations that will focus on internships in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.

Learn about the Wisconsin China Initiative
The Wisconsin China Initiative  is composed of faculty, alumni, and leaders in business and government who recognize the importance of China to the economic and political future of Wisconsin and the United States. The Division of International Studies established this exceptional group to create new partnerships between Chinese higher education institutions and UW-Madison, while continuing to develop plans for strategic engagements between China and the State of Wisconsin.

To learn learn more information, please contact Richard Miller, China Initiative Program Manager: rcmiller@wisc.edu