Workshop: Nonviolent Civic Action Around the World

Global Studies, in collaboration with the United States Institute of Peace and Madison College, offers a two-day development workshop for professional educators, practitioners, and others interested in understanding and teaching about international peace-building movements. This workshop for professional educators, Nonviolent Civic Action Around the World, will be held June 28-29, 2010 at the Pyle Center on the UW–Madison campus. The workshop will consist of short talks and interactive exercises and will draw upon experts from the U.S. Institute of Peace and scholars within the UW System and with Wisconsin colleges. Presentations will offer both topical/content information as well as strategies for teaching about peace and international peace-building movements. Sessions include:

  • Approaches to sustainable peace-building;
  • Cultivating forgiveness on a community level in Belfast;
  • Negotiating cynically, ethically, and effectively;
  • Women, power, and peace-making in Africa;
  • … and many more!

Participants can earn optional UW–Madison credit for successful completion of this workshop. The registration deadline is May 24, 2010 (for those taking the workshop for credit) and June 18, 2010 for all others. The workshop fee is $50 (an additional $44.50 will be assessed by UW–Madison for those taking the workshop for credit). The Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies (WIPCS) and the UW–Madison School of Education are also generously contributing to the workshop. Please visit the Web site or contact Mark Lilleleht, Global Studies outreach coordinator (, 608-265-6070), for additional details, registration forms, or with questions.