2013 Fulbright-Hays DDRA competition open

The 2013 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Program (DDRA) competition has been posted in the Federal Register. The CAMPUS DEADLINE for submission of a complete application is 12:00 PM (noon) on Friday, May 24, 2013. Applications must be submitted using the G5 application system, www.g5.gov. The national deadline listed is Monday, June 3, but this is the institutional deadline, not the deadline for student applicants. Student applicants must submit an application, including letters of recommendation and language references, by the CAMPUS DEADLINE. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The campus information and instructions will be updated as soon as possible and available on the fellowships.international.wisc.edu site–links are currently to the information for the 2012 competition. The information is still good, the dates are not current. For any questions or advice needed about the competition, please contact Erin Crawley fellow@intl-institution.wisc.edu.