Call for Pre-proposals: Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment

Pre-proposals are due in your Dean’s office by 12 p.m., Wednesday, February 3, 2010. Signed copies of the pre-proposals are due in the Provost’s Office, Room 117 Bascom Hall, by 12 p.m., Wednesday, February 10, 2010.

The Provost’s Office is soliciting proposals from faculty, staff, and students for the spring 2010 Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment competition. This endowment helps foster the Wisconsin Idea, the philosophy that the knowledge and solutions generated at the University benefit the people of Wisconsin, our nation and the world.

Proposals are encouraged for new outreach and public engagement activities that partner with community and off-campus organizations to extend and apply our research, education, and clinical knowledge to help solve problems or take advantage of opportunities. Projects may begin on or after July 1, 2010 and last up to three years. Proposals for initiatives up to $120,000 are encouraged. This year, the endowment will grant up to $750,000 through the competition.

The Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment call for proposals involves two steps:
1) UW-Madison faculty, staff or students must first submit a pre-proposal; and 2) individuals whose pre-proposals are accepted will be invited to submit a full proposal. Pre- and full proposals must be signed off at the departmental and dean’s/director’s levels before submission to the Office of the Provost. Pre-proposals are due in your Dean’s office by 12 p.m., Wednesday, February 3, 2010. Signed copies of the pre-proposals are due in the Provost’s Office, Room 117 Bascom Hall, by 12 p.m., Wednesday, February 10, 2010.

We will announce pre-proposal finalists by Wed., March 17, 2010.  See for pre-proposal guidelines, cover page, budget submission form, directions, and a list of previously funded programs. Questions should be directed to the endowment chair and Assistant Vice Chancellor Peyton Smith, 262-8214 or